September 09, 2022 2 min read

What are Toothpaste Tabs? 

Toothpaste tablets are a toothpaste formula made without water that's then pressed into a pill-like form. 

Compared to traditional toothpaste, they have  similar ingredients, but without the water fillers and preservatives, such as parabens or sodium benzoate, to keep the formula from going bad. (FYI, liquid based products can be a breeding ground for bacteria and mold, so most mixtures with water need something to help keep it fresh for longer.)

How to use Toothpaste Tabs?

Using toothpaste tablets is super easy. It might take a few days to get used to since you’ve been using traditional toothpaste all of your life, but once you try Krush, its hard to go back to watered-down, chemical-pumped paste!

Now don’t worry if you’re thinking - toothpaste tab - do I eat it, swallow it, do I still use a brush.. ?

Just think of it as a pre-portioned, concentrated, itty bitty package of toothpaste. It still functions the same, still tastes the same (we think better) no you don’t swallow it and yes, you do still need your toothbrush ;)

Twice a day, take a toothpaste tablet, place it in your mouth and krush it around with your teeth until is breaks down, making sure you don’t swallow it. Brush your teeth for 2 minutes. After this you can spit out the toothpaste and rinse your toothbrush, but you don’t need to rinse out your mouth. This keeps the active ingredients in your mouth and lets them work on rebuilding your enamel.


The Benefits of Toothpaste Tablets

A sustainable alternative for regular toothpaste that come in single use plastic tubes

We take all of the water out, leaving you with 100% active ingredients, no filler, no preservatives.

Refillable and reusable packaging

Natural & Cruelty free ingredients

Carla Mackay
Carla Mackay

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